The isometric neck flexion exerThe shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body and this makes it susceptible to injury. The rotator cuff muscles stabilize the shoulder joint. It is often strained or torn after a fall on an outstretched arm, a dislocation, or repetitive overhead movements. Strengthening exercises are necessary for optimal recovery from any of these injuries. One of the best ways to strengthen your shoulders with minimal strain on other joints is by using resistance bands. These three exercises work your shoulders from every angle and will help you build strength in the process.
Shoulder Extension – The best way to strengthen your shoulders is with the shoulder extension exercise. It will develop strength in both the front and back of the muscle. Use a resistance band and loop it around one foot or ankle. Take two steps away from it, hold it on by keeping tension on it near your other leg. Bend forward at an angle reaching for toes (or as far as possible). Next, extend arms out straight behind head towards the wall. Pull elbows down until fully extended while maintaining balance throughout the movement. Repeat 10 times on each side!
Forearm Extension – The forearm extension exercise is an easy way to stabilize your wrists and build stronger forearms. Using resistance band, extend both hands straight out in front of you. Now, they will be shoulder-width apart from one another. Angled away slightly as if reaching up towards someone taller than yourself. Now, cross your right arm over your left while keeping them parallel to each other. They should be aligned now like two crescents facing opposite directions (right being on top). Next, push down against the chair until there’s tension exerted onto it. Then, slowly return back into position without letting go of any slack near its endpoint.

Lateral Raises – Stand with feet hip-width apart holding the band at chest height. Hold one end of the band in each hand. Make sure that it is running diagonally across your body from left to right over both shoulders. Bend elbows out to sides until they reach chest height keeping wrists straight and palms facing forward throughout the movement. Then, lower back down to starting position for 1 rep. Repeat on the opposite side for the desired number of reps.
Shoulder Press – Secure a resistance band around your knees and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the handles of the bands in each hand at chest height, then press up so that elbows are straight overhead. Return to starting position by bending your arms back down as you lower yourself towards the ground slowly.
Lat Pulls – This is a back exercise that targets your latissimus dorsi, or the “wings” of your upper body. Using some type of bar in front, hold on to it and pull down towards yourself while standing up straight, palms facing away from you (as if it has knurling) at all for gripping purposes. Grab onto an overhand grip because this allows more focus on pulling motion than doing underhand which will mostly be concerned with stabilizing through its pronator teres muscle group as opposed to moving weight load forward. Make sure not to arch too high when descending so that there isn’t undue stress placed upon lower-back muscles.